Friday, June 26, 2009

Panino e Panelle

The other day I finally made it to the Sicilian Pastry Shop. It was early evening and asked them if they had "panelle", they were all gone for the day, but they told me that I could order them for the next day. That made me very happy.

WHAT ARE PANELLE? They are fritters of sorts made out of chick peas flour. It is something that was originally made only in Palermo. Something that one must have if they visit Palermo. It is a flavor like nothing else. They are fried, thus they are rather heavy, something one should not make a habit of eating. But something I had to have. They are always eaten in a panino (panino = small bread - a roll).

When I picked up my panino e panelle I also picked up an "arancina" (small orange) which is a rice ball with a savory stuffing. This one was a "pistachio arancina". I have never had one that flavor, I always get the meat stuffing ones. There is a place in the North End of Boston that has real good ones.

So you can see in the picture the panino e panelle and the arancina cut in 1/2. The pear was added for effect.

I truly enjoyed eating them, but it never fails, once I eat one or the other I always get an upset stomach. Must have some TUMS handy. It was always this way for me, but the flavor is worth the upset stomach.

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